We are specialises in creating modern websites and apps that are both aesthetically pleasing and
extremely functional. Our team of skilled developers is dedicated to completing projects on schedule
and under budget. They are proficient in a variety of programming languages and platforms.
App Name: Neews
Developed In: Flutter
Author: N Codes Lab
- 1. Go to lib > utils > constants.dart
- 2. Now change the appName value on the line no 8
- 3. Now go to android > app > src > main > AndroidManifest.xml
- 4. No change the android:label value at line no 4 by your app
- 5. Now left click on ios folder then choose Open in Xcode
- 6. Now go to Runner > Targets > Runner
- 7. Now on the Identity change your app name
- 1. Left click on android ang choose Open in Android Studio
- 2. Now Go to app > manifests > AndroidManifest.xml
- 3. Now copy package name on the line no 2
- 4. Now go to Edit > Find > Replace in files
- 5. Now on the first field enter the old package name you want to change
- 6. Enter the new package name you want click on Replace All
- 7. Now left click ios folder then choose Open in Xcode
- 8. Open in Runner > Targets > Runner then click on Signing & Capabilities
- 9. Now change the Bundle Identifier with the new package name you want
- 1. To change app icon go to https://www.appicon.co/
- 2. Then upload your app logo
- 3. After clicking on generate a zip file will be downloaded
- 4. Extract the zip file and open
- 5. Now go to AppIcons > android
- 6. Copy all the folders
- 7. Open the project and paste all the files in the android > app > src > main > res
- 8. To change IOS app icon open the AppIcons folder downloaded earlier then go to
Assets.xcassets > then copy the AppIcon.appiconset folder
- 9. Now open the flutter project go to ios > Runner paste and replace the folder here
We are using firebase for authentication system so follow the instructions in
order to make app authentication system working fully
- 1. Go wo www.firebase.com
- 2. Now create a new project by entering your project name
- 3. After creating project you will be redirected to the dashboard page then click on
the android icon
- 4. Enter the details of the app
- a. apps package name
- b. app name
- c. app sha1 key
- How to generate sha1 key ?
- 5. After entering all the details click on Register app
- 6. After registering the app download the google service.json file and you can skip all the
next steps by clicking on next
- 7. After downloading the google-services.json file paste the file in the flutter projects >
android > app folder
- 8. Now go to the dashboard then click on IOS icon to add ios app
- 9. Now enter the details of the app
- a. enter the bundle identifier of the app
- b. enter the app name
- 10. Then click on the Register app button
- 11. Now download the GoogleService-Info.plist file
- 12. and skip the next steps by clicking next
- 13. Now left click on ios folder then choose Open in XCode
- 14. Now paste the GoogleService-Info.plist in to the runner folder
- 15. A popup will appear then choose Runner in add to targets and then click on finish
- 16. Go to firebase dashboard then go to Build > Authentication
- 18. Now enable Email / Passward and Google authentication
- 19. Now go to authentication > Sign in Methods > Click on google authentication
- 20. Then click on Web Client id
- 21. Now go to ios> Runner > open Info.plist file
- 22. Now paste the web client id on the line no 32
- 1. To setup admob you have to require an admob account
- 2. And you have to create android and ios app in the the admob dasboard and their app id
- 1. Go to android > app > src > main> AndroidManifest.xml file
- 2. Then paste your admob app id on line no 66
- 3. Go to ios > Runner > Info.plist file
- 4. Then paste you Ios admob app id on the line no 39
- 1. To setup onesignal go to lib > utils > constants.dart
- 2. Then enter your one signal app id on the line no 11
We are using Branch for sharing articles and videos from the app
- 1. To setup branch go to branch website and create an account at
- 2. After creating account go to the branch dashboard and then go to Configuration
- 3. Now enter your website url on the Default Url Field
- 4. Now enter your app name in the URI Scheme Field
- 5. Select I have an Android App
- 6. Now choose custom url and after app is live on play store then choose Google Play Search
- 7. Check Enable App Links
- 8. And Add your website url
- 9. Add your sha256 key
- How to generate sha256 key ?
- 10. Now scroll down copy the default link domain and alternative link domain
- 11. Now go to Account Settings
- 12. If you switch to live mode you can generate live key and if to switch to generate test
key copy it
- 13. In Test mode you will get the test key copy it
- 14. Now go to android > app > main > AndroidManifest.xml file
- 15. Now enter the copied keys and links from the branch dashboard
- 1. To change app splash screen logo you need a svg logo
- 2. You have to paste all the svg app logos in the assets > images folder
- 3. Now change your app logo name with the name app_logo
- 4.Now you need a linear logo for home screen
- 5. Paste the logo with the name of app_logo_linear
- 1. Go to lib > utils > constants.dart file
- 2. Add your admin panel url on the line no 10
- 3. To change your app default language you can change the defaultAppLanguage with your
language code
- 1. To change app translations go to lib > I10n > select your language file
- 2. Now search the string you want to change and update it.
- 1. To generate the Sha1 and Sha256 Key Click on the terminal button at the bottom
- 1. Now paste this line cd android && ./gradlew
- 2. Now you will get the Sha1 and Sha256 keys copy the keys and use it
You will get two admin panel files in the project admin panel folder
- 1. Database Sql file
- 2. Admin Panel Zip File
Create a database on your hostings
But you have to remember these credentials
- 1. Database Name
- 2. Database User Name
- 3. Database Password
Then import the database sql file on the database
- 1. Now go to config >> conn.php file
- 2. Click on edit that file
- 3. Now you have to enter your database details
And Congrats your admin panel in live on your domain
Default Login Credentials were
Username :- admin
Password :- 12345